How do I get a book that is already checked out?


Is the item you want checked out or across town? Place a hold to get in line for the next available copy and to transfer the item to a library location of your choice. 

Place a hold online 

  1. Screenshot indicating the Place a Hold button next to an item's info.Log in to My Library Account.
    1. If it's your first time, you need to register.
  2. Find the item you want in the catalog
  3. Click the green Place a Hold button.
  4. Choose a pickup location and click Confirm Hold


Note: If you don't get the option to choose a location, you have Single-Click Holds enabled. The hold will go to your preferred or "home" library. Learn how to change Single-Click Holds.

Place a Hold Over the Phone

Pickup Your Holds

  1. Once it's ready you will get an email or text notification, you must schedule a pickup time to collect your items.
  2. Follow the link to select a Pickup Time for your materials.
    1. Option 1 - Walk Up
    2. Option 2 - Drive Up
If you didn't get a notification, log into My Library Account: Holds and check the notification tab.​


Note: Heights and Riverside branches are not an option while they are closed for renovations. 



  • Last Updated Jul 14, 2021
  • Views 40
  • Answered By