How do I find a NAICS code?

Do I really need to know it to find industry information?


NAICS codes are useful to have when trying to find industry information. While not required in most databases, knowing it allows you to get to the info you need *a lot* faster.

NAICS search boxes on Census site.

There are a lot of ways to find NAICS are a couple of easy ways:

  1. U.S. Census Bureau
    • Go to the U.S. Census Bureau site;
    • click NAICS in the Business & Industry section;
    • either search by keyword or click "For 2007 NAICS" under the search boxes on the left. That will allow you to browse through all of the codes and quickly get definitions for each code so you know you're choosing the right one for your industry.
  2. D&B Million Dollar Database: if you're researching a specific company, look that company up in D&B to see what they use as their primary/secondary NAICS codes.

  • Last Updated Jan 22, 2014
  • Views 44
  • Answered By Anna Burke

Comments (2)

  1. Could you clarify how to log into this resource?
    by Sarah Pawlek on Mar 28, 2011
  2. Hi Sarah - for the Census Bureau, you don't need to log in because that is a government website. For D&B Million Dollar Database, just use your Springy U username & password. - Anna :)
    by Anna Burke on Apr 11, 2011