How can I find old newspapers?

I need to find old newspapers I need to find primary newspaper sources for my assignment. How do I get them and print them?


Finding primary sources can seem tricky, but it is pretty easy once you learn a few tips.

For most national newspapers, you can get printable articles through Historical Newspapers Online

Here are some tips on how to search the database:

  • Think like a journalist. What words would they use?
  • Use the vocabulary in use at the time. (e.g., Negroes instead of African American)
  • Combine synonyms with OR to increase results. (e.g., conservatives OR right-wing)
  • Use the asterisk (*) to get multiple endings of a word. (e.g., integrat* for integrate, integration, integrating, etc.)
  • To get words closer together, use proximity operators. (See the database's help page for correct syntax.)
  • Limit your search to "abstract" or "citation and abstract" (if available) to get more precise results.


  • Last Updated Dec 04, 2023
  • Views 86
  • Answered By Michelle Lustig