How do I develop a research topic?


As you begin to select and develop a research topic, consider the following questions:

  1. How clear and well defined is my topic?
  2. How specific is my topic?
  3. Is my topic too narrow?
  4. Is it likely that my topic will produce broad search results?
  5. Is it likely that my topic will find little or no information? 


  • Express your topic in a series of statements or questions. 
  • Topic example: Violence in the media and its effect on children
  • Questions to ask:
    • Is a child affected socially and behaviorally
    • Are there research findings to prove a link between media violence and children who view or listen to it
    • Does the intensity of media violence vary the effects it has on children?
    • Are age and gender related to the link between media violence and children?
  • Select and list the important concepts of your topic. 
  • Create a list of search terms or keywords that describe the concepts in your topic.
    • Remember to include synonyms and related words.



  • Last Updated Mar 18, 2015
  • Views 23
  • Answered By Reference Librarian