Answered By: Talia Richards-Resendes
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014     Views: 41

Pattern Memory > ProProfs brain games
In this game you will be given a grid of blocks, some of the grids will be highlighted for a moment, you need to memorise the pattern of the highlighted blocks and then reproduce the pattern.

After School Tools:

  • Dav Pilkey's Extra Crunchy Web-Site O' Fun 
    Play games, read fun facts, print-n-color based on Dav Pilkey's fantastical books. Teachers and parents don't miss the "Boring Grown-Up Stuff" which could take you on 2 paths depending on whether you want boring stuff for grown-ups or stuff for boring gro
  • I Spy 
    Games, riddles and fun for everyone, based on the popular books.
  • Jan Brett's Home Page 
    Jan Brett's site offers activities pages and puzzles; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division games, flash cards and coloring sheets; alphabet letters, both manuscript and cursive, practice sheets, flash cards, and coloring sheets; coloring pag
  • My First Garden
    A great starting point for your first garden.
  • Nick, Jr. 
    Look for games and acitivities for kids along with articles, tools and advice for parents.
  • Primary Games 
    Fun and educational games and puzzles for all ages.


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