Answered By: Talia Richards-Resendes
Last Updated: Aug 04, 2014     Views: 79

Project Ideas & Resources

  • Electricity: Virtual Museum
    Imagine life without telephones, television or computers. These technologies and many more have one thing in common-they all use electricity and magnetism. Learn more at this online exhibit.
  • How Everyday Things are Made
    From chocolate to plastic bottles, watch these videos and virtual factory tours to see how everyday things are made.
  • How Stuff Works
    Science explains and demystifies the world through the objective of gathering and analyzing data. Explore the natural world, engineering, space, military technology, physics and even supernatural phenomena.
  • Mirror Molecules
    What do molecules look like? Did you know that some molecules come in mirror image pairs? Discover more...
  • Science Labeling
    Study a science diagram for a few minutes and then label each part: Layers of the Earth, Structure of a Flower and more...
  • Science Museum Games
    Play games such as launchball, photo-ops, who's got what and more.
  • Space Place Live 
    Learn from real scientists and engineers who work on really cool space and Earth missions.
  • Sports Dude
    Sports Dude is a character that you control and play with. Can you keep him fit, fed and happy? But be careful because every choice you make is important: Pizza or salad? Watching TV or shooting hoops? Sleeping or skateboarding?
  • Travel Guide to the Solar System
    1. Experience an amazing variety of worlds
    2. Run the gauntlet of floating rocks and boulders in the asteroid belt
    3. Encounter the icy comets that wander through the outer Solar System
  • Virtual Body
    Take a tour of the body and then take a quiz to test yourself.
Ensuring Your Science Fair Is Successful:


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